Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Working Trees

Working Trees

Working Trees

Working Trees™ works directly with landowners to make the transition to silvopasture as simple as possible, and then helps them earn revenue through carbon storage. During to process. Working Trees does helps you does the following with you:

  • Analyzes your farm’s current operations

  • Connects you with a technical service provider who can provide regionally-specific advice (as needed)

  • Helps you finding private and government funding sources to cover the upfront cost of implementing silvopasture

  • Monitors ongoing carbon storage, translating to a steady annual stream of revenue once established (often higher than cash rental rates)


Working Trees is currently accepting applications from farmers into their pilot program. Any pasture or hay farmer east of the Great Plains is eligible as long as their land has been free of trees or shrubs for the last 10 years. When applying, Working Trees will provide a free Land Use Analysis to determine your final eligibility.



Working Trees

Financial Instrument

Cost Share

Updated October 23, 2024

Image Credit: Wim van 't Einde

This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.

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