Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Transforming the Farmer-to-Consumer Supply Chain with Climate-Smart Agriculture Partnerships
Food-Grade Soy Program Overview
**The TransformF2C Project offers two incentives to growers producing and marketing climate-smart soybeans. Eligible acres must be enrolled in the Marketing Incentive to be eligible for the Practice Implementation Incentive. **
What is a Climate-Smart Soybean?
Climate-Smart Soybeans are soybeans that are grown with an in-field practice that helps build soil health, sequesters carbon, and/or reduces greenhouse gas emissions, such as cover crops, reduced till or no-till, conservation crop rotation, or nutrient management.
What is a Climate-Smart Commodity (CSC) Processor?
A CSC Processor is one of the buyers contracted by the TransformF2C Project to buy, process, and market the climate-smart soybeans to develop localized market opportunities and strengthen supply chains traceability for climate-smart commodities.
What are the Benefits of Growing Climate-Smart Soybeans for Me and My Farm?
Improved crop resilience: Climate-smart crop management may help crops adapt to changing climate conditions and increase agricultural productivity.
Improved soil health: Healthy soil may have less erosion, preserve land fertility, and conserves water supply.
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Climate-smart agriculture may reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Increased farmer profits: Climate-smart agriculture may increase productivity and incentives are designed to support higher incomes for farmers.
Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Eligibility
Application Instructions
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Total Program Funding
Updated December 28, 2024
Image Credit: Pixabay
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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