Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Tennessee Statewide Agricultural Producer Association Grant Program (TAEP)
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Closed Indefinitely
Our sources indicate that this program is closed indefinitely and unlikely to reopen.
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) is providing this opportunity through the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP). TAEP is a direct result of the State of Tennessee's continued commitment to supporting farm development and Tennessee's agricultural community.
The purpose of the Statewide Agricultural Producer Association Grant Program is to increase income to Tennessee farmers by providing assistance for eligible activities of statewide agricultural producer associations across Tennessee. These activities contribute to the education, training and marketing skills of Tennessee agricultural producers as well as developing markets for farm products. Total funding is limited and grant requests are competitive.
Eligibility Requirements
Grant funds are available to statewide agricultural producer associations who meet the eligibility requirements below. A qualified association must:
Be statewide. Local and regional associations are not eligible to apply due to budget limitations.
Clearly identified and quantifiable performance measures should be a part of the proposal.
Associations must be legally organized (501C3, city or county government, university, etc.) and capable of receiving and managing state grant funds.
Activities must meet all federal, state, and local building, food safety, and regulatory requirements.
Eligible Activities
Emphasis is placed on activities that directly impact the greatest number of producers and increase agricultural and forestry related economic opportunity. Projects must be innovative and not a substitute for existing programs. Eligible activities include:
Identifying and utilizing new marketing opportunities for agriculture and forestry related products
Increasing sales of agriculture and forestry related products grown in Tennessee
Education, demonstration, and training
Expert speakers, training materials, and related educational items
Statewide producer meeting expenses
Other, as pre-approved by TDA
Application Instructions
Submit project proposal, estimated cost, and any additional relevant information to:
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Attn: Rachel Sullivan
PO Box 40627
Nashville, TN 37204
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Image Credit: Will Swann
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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