Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Southern SARE On-Farm Research Grant
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Closed December 1, 2023
Southern SARE has long supported farmers in their efforts to conduct new and innovative sustainable agriculture production practices. In 2002, On-Farm Research Grants were authorized to provide opportunities for those ag professionals working directly with farmers and ranchers on sustainable ag efforts.
Emphasizing relationship building between researcher and farmer, On-Farm Research Grants have no pre-proposal requirements, nor are applicants asked to demonstrate specific outcomes in an intensive way.
Agricultural professionals who currently and regularly work with farmers and ranchers are eligible to apply for On-Farm Research Grants. These can be extension specialists; university researchers; government agencies, such as NRCS; NGOs; community organizations; or other groups or individuals, such as ag consultants. An applicant may only submit one proposal per grant cycle.
On-Farm Research Grants are not open to farmers.
On-Farm Research Grant proposals must meet the following basic requirements in order to be considered for funding:
The proposed project focuses on sustainable agriculture practices and techniques to address a particular on-farm issue.
Applicants must work directly with farmers/ranchers in their profession.
Applicants must identify at least one farmer/rancher cooperator in the proposed project, and the work must be conducted on farm (either on the cooperator’s farm, or on a research farm with the cooperator’s involvement).
The farmer/rancher cooperator’s primary occupation must be farming or ranching or they are a part-time producer. They run their own farm alone or with family or partners and have at $1,000 of documented annual income from their operation.
The proposed project satisfies the requirements of allowable expenses.
An outreach component is identified in the proposal.
Agricultural professionals who currently and regularly work with farmers and ranchers are eligible to apply for On-Farm Research Grants. These can be extension specialists; university researchers; government agencies, such as NRCS; NGOs; community organizations; or other groups or individuals, such as ag consultants. An applicant may only submit one proposal per grant cycle.
On-Farm Research Grant funds cannot be used for the following purposes:
Starting a farm, NGO, business or other community organization, or expanding an existing farm, NGO, business or other community organization. Providing any kind financial support relative to the operation of the farm, NGO, business of community organization.
Providing support of any kind for capital expenses or permanent farm improvements, including purchasing equipment; purchasing permanent greenhouses, high tunnels or other buildings; purchasing permanent irrigation; purchasing permanent fencing; planting an orchard; purchasing bee hives; or purchasing crops or crop seed for use beyond the research plots and timetable of the project. Generally, any item that has permanent use beyond the life of the grant project is not allowed.
Breakfasts, lunches or other full meals for the project’s outreach plan, or educational/resource event or program.
Testing of commercial products. Products must be explored in broad generalizations.
Application Instructions
Proposals are submitted online at: projects.sare.org
You must make an account to apply.
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Image Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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