List of Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (ODAFF) Funding Opportunities
Browse in Funding LibraryOklahoma Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry
- Grant
- Food Systems
- Research
- Diversification
- Processing
- Agritourism
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Agriculture Event Grant
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Grant
- Food Systems
- Marketing
- Research
- Processing
- Diversification
- Cooperatives
- Events
- Agritourism
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Basic and Applied Research Loan/Grant
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Loan
- Grant
- Food Systems
- Marketing
- Research
- Processing
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Cooperative Marketing Loan
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Loan
- Food Systems
- Marketing
- Research
- Processing
- Agritourism
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Farm Enhancement and Diversification Grant: Cooperative Marketing Loan
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Grant
- Food Systems
- Research
- Diversification
- Processing
- Agritourism
- Cooperatives
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Farm Enhancement and Diversification Grant: Agricultural Event
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Grant
- Food Systems
- Diversification
- Agritourism
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Farm Enhancement and Diversification Grant: Marketing and Utilization Loan (OKFML)
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Loan
- Food Systems
- Research
- Diversification
- Processing
- Agritourism
- Marketing
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Food Animal Veterinary Grant
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed May 5
- Animal Health
- OK
- Livestock
Oklahoma Marketing and Utilization Loan
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Indefinitely
- Loan
- Food Systems
- Marketing
- Research
- Agritourism
- Processing
- OK
- Any
Oklahoma Specialty Crop Block Grant
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Feb 28
- Grant
- Disaster Relief
- Education
- Marketing
- OK
- Specialty Crops
Oklahoma Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Feb 28
- Grant
- Marketing
- Local Food
- Processing
- Nutrition & Food Safety
- Non-Profit
- Pest Management
- OK
- Specialty Crops
Oklahoma Viticulture and Enology Fund
Oklahoma Agriculture, Food, and Forestry · Closed Aug 20
- Grant
- Marketing
- Research
- OK
- Wine