Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.
The Agriculture Enhancement and Diversification Program was designed to develop or improve uses for agricultural products, expand the state’s production of value-added products and to encourage diversified farming. The program provides funds in the form of grants or 0% interest loans. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the ability to directly benefit Oklahoma farmers and ranchers through the creation of new revenue streams.
Deadline dates for submissions are January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st or the next regular business day if the Department offices are closed on the deadline date.
This grant can be granted in one of the below five categories:
Farm Diversification Grant
Projects must diversify the farm or ranch to non-traditional crops or non-traditional livestock, on-farm processing of agricultural commodities or assist in the development of an agritourism venue that will promote access to a new market. Projects cannot be an extension or expansion of existing operations and must show the potential to create additional income for the farm unit. Grants are available in three levels not to exceed $10,000.
Grants $2,500 or less requires no matching funds.
Grants $2,501 – $5,000 require some level of cash or in-kind match in funds.
Grants $5,001 – $10,000 require a dollar for dollar cash match.
Proposals must demonstrate a well-prepared action plan, and markets must have been researched and possible income must be projected.
New and innovative plans for marketing products must be evident.
A sound business plan must show potential profits from diversifying.
Applicants must receive an endorsement from individuals who are professionals/specialists in the field the applicant is applying. Advisors must be willing to assist the applicant in fulfilling the project and have reviewed the application and be willing to answer questions if contacted.
Funds must be used to produce alternative ag products or process and/or market Oklahoma ag products. Activities must create rural economic development, and indicate the probability of success. Preference is given to applicants whose:
Industrial and non-food production processes use ag products
Food, feed and fiber products and uses are innovative and add value to ag products
Applications demonstrate a high probability of job creation and return-on-investment
Proposals feature research that is innovative as well as commercially plausible
Proposals demonstrate a high probability of rapid commercialization
Projects demonstrate a commitment for funding from other private or public sources or from the applicant
Proposals center efforts on rural locales
Principals are individuals, a group of individuals, an individual on behalf of a group or corporations that meet the criteria set forth: to market a product or formulate or implement a marketing plan for products not marketed through existing cooperatives
Proposals must have potential to create additional income for the farm unit
Proposals must provide new, innovative plans for marketing the product
Grants are available in three levels not to exceed $10,000.
Grants $2,500 or less requires no matching funds.
Grants $2,501 - $5,000 requires some level of cash or in-kind match in funds.
Grants $5,001 - $10,000 requires a dollar for dollar cash match.
Application Instructions
Complete the Application
Applications, including all supplements, should be limited to twenty (20) pages. Promotional materials or unrelated materials are discouraged.
A copy of the proposal must be
emailed to Jason.harvey@ag.ok.gov or
Three (3) copies of the proposal must be delivered or mailed to the Board at:
Oklahoma Agriculture Enhancement and Diversification Program
Jason Harvey
P.O. Box 528804
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Related Programs
Direct Farm Operating Loan
Farm Service Agency
- Loan
- General
- Equipment
- Animal Purchase
- Diversification
- Marketing
- Processing
- Feed
- Seed
- Fertilizer
- Cash Rent
- Housing
- Construction
- Infrastructure
- Repairs
- Pest Management
- Storage
- Legal & Finance
- Water Management
- Waterway Protection
- Water Quality
- Conservation
- Training
- Immigrants
- Refinancing
- Reduced Tillage
- National
- Any
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Grant
- Cost Share
- Conservation
- Cover Crops
- Forest Management
- Certified Grassfed
- Irrigation
- High Tunnel
- Certified Organic
- Air Quality
- Alternative Energy
- Soil Health
- Wildlife & Pollinator Habitat
- Water Quality
- Weather
- Research
- Landscape
- Precision Ag
- Drought
- Nutrient Management
- Carbon Capture
- Fencing
- Agroforestry
- Grazing Management
- Reduced Inputs
- National
- Any
Inflation Reduction Act Assistance for Distressed Borrowers
Farm Service Agency
- Grant
- Discount
- Socially Disadvantaged
- Disaster Relief
- National
- Any
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
Rural Development · Due Mar 31
- Grant
- Cost Share
- Loan
- Alternative Energy
- Biofuel
- Equipment
- Infrastructure
- Conservation
- Solar Power
- Wind Energy
- Hydro Power
- Lighting
- Irrigation
- National
- Any
Financial Instrument
Maximum Award Amount
Updated September 2, 2024
Image Credit: formulanone
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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