Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Massachusetts Urban Agriculture Program
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Closed May 6, 2024
The purpose of the MDAR Urban Agriculture Program is to advance Commonwealth goals and objectives, leverage collective resources, and support commercial projects designed to increase the production, processing, and marketing of produce grown and sold in urban centers across the Commonwealth. Expenditures will promote strategies to address food insecurity and to increase access of fresh, local produce in urban neighborhoods with a high concentration of low-moderate income residents.
Who May Apply?
Nonprofit Organizations 501(c)(3)
Public or non-profit educational or public health institutions
Established urban farmer with more than three (3) years of commercial urban farming experience
Application Instructions
Read the Request for Responses on the COMMBUYS portal.
Submit your completed application by email to Rose.Arruda@mass.gov
Or mail you application materials to:
Rose Arruda
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
If you apply by mail, make sure that you have a complete application as described in the RFR. Submissions must not exceed six (6) double-sided pages (exclusive of attachments). The bidder shall submit one (1) signed original and four (4) copies of the proposal, as well as an electric copy.
Related Programs
Direct Farm Operating Loan
Farm Service Agency
- Loan
- General
- Equipment
- Animal Purchase
- Diversification
- Marketing
- Processing
- Feed
- Seed
- Fertilizer
- Cash Rent
- Housing
- Construction
- Infrastructure
- Repairs
- Pest Management
- Storage
- Legal & Finance
- Water Management
- Waterway Protection
- Water Quality
- Conservation
- Training
- Immigrants
- Refinancing
- Reduced Tillage
- National
- Any
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Grant
- Cost Share
- Conservation
- Cover Crops
- Forest Management
- Certified Grassfed
- Irrigation
- High Tunnel
- Certified Organic
- Air Quality
- Alternative Energy
- Soil Health
- Wildlife & Pollinator Habitat
- Water Quality
- Weather
- Research
- Landscape
- Precision Ag
- Drought
- Nutrient Management
- Carbon Capture
- Fencing
- Agroforestry
- Grazing Management
- Reduced Inputs
- National
- Any
Inflation Reduction Act Assistance for Distressed Borrowers
Farm Service Agency
- Grant
- Discount
- Socially Disadvantaged
- Disaster Relief
- National
- Any
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
Rural Development · Due Mar 31
- Grant
- Cost Share
- Loan
- Alternative Energy
- Biofuel
- Equipment
- Infrastructure
- Conservation
- Solar Power
- Wind Energy
- Hydro Power
- Lighting
- Irrigation
- National
- Any
May 6, 2024
Financial Instrument
Minimum Award Amount
Maximum Award Amount
Updated December 28, 2024
Image Credit: Daniel Lobo
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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