Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.
Our sources indicate that this program is closed indefinitely and unlikely to reopen.
The Pollinator Habitat Program will provide up to $14.5 million in funding to established and experienced organizations (See Eligibility) to work directly with farmers and ranchers to install habitat and implement management practices that support pollinators.
The Pollinator Habitat Program is aligned with the suite of Climate Smart Agriculture incentive programs administered by CDFA’s Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation. The program’s primary objective is to support pollinators through provision of floral resources, host plants and other elements of suitable habitat. Projects funded through the PHP can be expected to have additional benefits to California’s biodiversity and agricultural production. Projects will support integrated pest management, support beneficial species (beyond pollinators), enhance carbon sequestration and improve soil health among other co-benefits.
Pollinators are essential to many of California’s agricultural crops and to the vast biodiversity of California’s natural ecosystems. Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors including habitat destruction, pesticides, disease, and climate change pollinators are in decline. The loss of pollinators in California affects both agricultural and natural ecosystems. It is the goal of the Pollinator Habitat Program to help strengthen pollinator populations and health.
The following entities are eligible to apply for PHP grants:
Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs)
University of California, California Community Colleges or California State Universities
Non-profits including, but not limited to
- Land Trusts with the conservation of agricultural lands as their mission or amongst their stated purposes
Federally- and California-Recognized Native American Indian Tribes
Agricultural commodity groups are encouraged to apply in partnership with the above eligible entities.
Entities applying for PHP grants must have demonstrated expertise and experience in habitat restoration on agricultural lands or implementation of conservation management practices that support pollinators.
Entities receiving grant award funds must be located in California with a physical business mailing address in California.
Partnerships between multiple organizations are encouraged.
Application Instructions
Carefully read the Request for Applications and then apply online at this link.
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Image Credit: Eric Masur
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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