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Massachusetts APR Improvement Program (AIP)
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Closed April 18, 2024
AIP provides business planning and technical assistance to commercial farms with land that has already been protected through MDAR’s Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program.
The program assists with issues of financial viability, resource conservation, family succession, modernization of infrastructure and other issues that may enhance the long term continued use of the agricultural resource. Grant funds of $60,000-$120,000 may be available on a cost reimbursement basis, with a 25% required match, for capital infrastructure improvements on the farm identified through the planning process including resource improvements, new or improved agricultural buildings including barns, livestock housing, farm stands or processing facilities.
Eligible respondents must be operators of farmland that has been protected through funding from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources’ Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program for at least 5 years and have been actively farming this APR property for at least the past 3 years.
Eligible farms must be private for profit operations with Gross farm income of at least $10,000, as shown on Schedule F or Form 1120, or other relevant tax statements from the most recent tax year.
Eligibility requirements may vary from year to year and can be found during open application periods in the Request for Responses for the APR Improvement Program at https://www.mass.gov/service-details/apr-improvement-program-aip.
If selected for Phase I of the program, farmers must agree to participate in a business planning process intended to help them increase the economic viability of their farm. Participants receive assistance to develop a business plan including financial projections. Additional technical assistance may also be available. This process usually takes about 5 months. Upon approval of a completed plan by the program coordinator, the farm may be eligible to move to Phase II of the Program to receive a grant for eligible capital projects identified in the plan intended to increase farm viability.
Application Instructions
To apply, Applicants must assemble the following documents
A completed Attachment A: Application Response Form that is signed by all applicants and all landowners (Available in the Request for Proposals)
An aerial photograph or map with the farm property outlined. Please note areas that are restricted by the APR and any area that is excluded from the APR. Aerial photos are available online or can be prepared by your USDA-NRCS field office with advance notice. If the Applicant has an up-to-date NRCS Farm Conservation Plan, the Applicant may submit copies of maps or aerial photos from the Plan.
Submit these documents online as attachments to Diego.Irizarry-Gerould@mass.gov with subject: "AIP APPLICATION"
Mail or hand deliver hard copies to the following address: Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Attn: APR Improvement Program
138 Memorial Ave, Suite 42
West Springfield, MA 01089
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Image Credit: Stefano Lubiana
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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