Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Washington Beginning Farmer/Rancher Program

Washington Beginning Farmer/Rancher Program

Washington State Housing Finance Commission

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission, in partnership with Northwest Farm Credit Services, provides low-interest loans to help new farmers get started with land, equipment, buildings, and even animals.

Things that can be financed include:

  • Agricultural land (no homes)

  • Buildings—new or existing

  • Agricultural improvements

  • Machinery and equipment

  • Animal stock


If you have never owned and operated a farm or ranch before, or if you have owned/operated one that was less than 30% of the county’s median farm size, you may be eligible. See the Median Farm Size Chart.

The beginning farmer and rancher(s) and/or their children must directly manage and perform the labor for the farming operation. Off-farm income is permitted. The agricultural land, agricultural improvements and depreciable farm property acquired with proceeds of the bond must be used for farming purposes during the term of the bond.


Loans from this program are limited to $534,600. (Other limits: up to $250,000 for depreciable farm property and up to $62,500 for used equipment/ personal property.) However, WSHFC financing can be combined with loans, grants or other funds for projects larger than $534,600.

If you have questions about loan terms and qualifications, please see the Northwest Farm Credit Services website.

Application Instructions

Submit an application for a business loan through  Northwest Farm Credit Services. Their loan officers will help you access this program and other resources.

If you have questions concerning initial eligibility for the Beginning Farmer/Rancher Loan Program, please contact:

Dan Schilling


Updated August 19, 2024

Image Credit: ngader

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