Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.
The Dairy Improvement Loan Fund (DIF) provides financing to help Maine agricultural businesses undertake projects to enhance the viability and vitality of the farm, and improve the manufacturing, marketability and production of their products.
Eligible Borrower
An eligible Borrower must:
Be a dairy enterprise, dairy, dairy farm, or business making milk products;
Keep cows, sheep and/or goats that contribute milk to your products;
Be located in the State of Maine and currently producing milk products that are sold commercially; and
Propose a project that is an eligible use of the fund.
Eligible Uses of the Fund
The Fund may be used to:
Design, construct, or improve milking parlors, dairy barns and structures, and dairy feed storage structures; or
Purchase, construct, or renovate buildings, land and equipment to maintain and enhance the viability and vitality of an established dairy enterprise, dairy, dairy farm, or business making milk products, located in the State of Maine.
Ineligible Uses of the Fund
The Fund may not be used for:
Working capital; or
Refinancing projects commenced, costs incurred, or expenses paid prior to loan application. However, the Borrower may submit a written request for a waiver. Such waiver must be approved in writing by the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF).
Deferred principal and interest payments may be available up to 24 months from closing; interest accrues beginning at closing.
Up to 30 years and determined by the useful life of the asset(s) being financed.
Loan origination fee: 1% (for loans over $100,000).
Borrower is responsible for all loan closing costs.
Application Instructions
Before you complete any forms, take time to update your business plan, budget & financial projections to include the proposed project.
Submit completed Project Eligibility Form (PDF) to DACF.
The DACF will review your Project Eligibility Form and may contact you to conduct a telephone interview and make a site visit.
The Commissioner will then either issue a Letter of Eligibility for your project or recommend that you revise and resubmit your Project Eligibility Form for reconsideration.
If the Commissioner issues a Letter of Eligibility for your project, then you, as an Eligible Borrower, may submit your completed DIF Loan Application and FAME Personal Financial Statement to FAME. You must do this within 90 days. Please see FAME Dairy Improvement Fund webpage for more details and forms.
Related Programs
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- Loan
- General
- Equipment
- Animal Purchase
- Diversification
- Marketing
- Processing
- Feed
- Seed
- Fertilizer
- Cash Rent
- Housing
- Construction
- Infrastructure
- Repairs
- Pest Management
- Storage
- Legal & Finance
- Water Management
- Waterway Protection
- Water Quality
- Conservation
- Training
- Immigrants
- Refinancing
- Reduced Tillage
- National
- Any
Farm Storage Facility Loan Program (FSFL)
Farm Service Agency
- Loan
- Infrastructure
- Equipment
- Storage
- Lighting
- Delivery Vehicle
- National
- Oilseeds
- Peanuts
- Pulse Crops
- Hay
- Honey
- Biomass
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Floriculture
- Hops
- Maple Sap
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt
- Butter
- Eggs
- Rye
- Aquaculture
- Poultry
- Livestock
- Grains
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
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- Grant
- Cost Share
- Loan
- Alternative Energy
- Biofuel
- Equipment
- Infrastructure
- Conservation
- Solar Power
- Wind Energy
- Hydro Power
- Lighting
- Irrigation
- National
- Any
ACRE3 Agricultural Energy Efficiency
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- Grant
- Cost Share
- Loan
- Alternative Energy
- Conservation
- Irrigation
- Storage
- Greenhouse
- CO
- Any
Financial Instrument
Maximum Award Amount
Updated October 21, 2024
Image Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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