Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Kentucky Proud Promotional Grant

Kentucky Proud Promotional Grant

Kentucky Department of Agriculture

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture facilitates a number of grant opportunities for Kentucky farmers and other businesses that grow and help market Kentucky grown agricultural products. Sources for these investments include the United States Department of Agriculture, the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund, and General Funds from the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Each program has specific expectations, guidelines, award levels, and timelines. For more details on each funding area, select the program link or contact KDA staff for information.

Kentucky Proud members who have direct Kentucky farm impact may be eligible to receive up to 50% reimbursement for eligible advertising and marketing expenses.


You must be a member of Kentucky Proud® for grant consideration. Please apply for membership at www.kyproud.com.



Meetings take place the second Wednesday of each month. Applications that are incomplete or missing forms (survey for past POP participants, notarized affidavit, or EZ Vendor Registration Form) will not be considered for funding until these items are submitted. Applications are due the last day of the month to be considered at the next month’s meeting.

The grant maximum:

Grants are awarded between January 1 and December 31 and cannot exceed 10 percent of the applicant’s reported direct Kentucky farm impact. The maximum award is $8,000. Grantees have 6 months from their application’s approval date to use funds.

  • Lifetime maximums are $36,000 beginning with the use of 2014 funds at the request of the KADB.

  • If you will not use your grant, or if you require a lower amount, you must inform KDA no later than 3 months after approval. If you do not, whatever amount you were originally approved for will be counted against your lifetime maximum.

Your grant will be withheld if you are delinquent in state taxes. KDA reserves the right to audit the compliance, amend the guidelines, revoke the award, or interpret the intent of this grant at any time, without liability, at its sole discretion. All funds are first-come, first-served.

Application Instructions

Fill out the application, making sure to complete everything on the checklist on the first page, and mail or email it to:

Johnathan Van Balen

Kentucky Department of Agriculture

111 Corporate Drive

Frankfort, KY 40601



Financial Instrument

Grant, Cost Share

Maximum Award Amount


Updated August 28, 2024

Image Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture

This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.

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