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Cover photo for Hawaii Food Manufacturing Loans

Hawaii Food Manufacturing Loans

Hawaii Department of Agriculture

The Hawaii Food Manufacturing Loans are part of the Hawaii Agricultural Loan Division.

The State of Hawaii, Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Loan Division administers the Agricultural Loan Program and the Aquaculture Loan Program. The intent of the programs is to help promote agricultural and aquacultural development of the State by providing credit at reasonable rates and terms to qualifying individuals or entities. Through the establishment of a revolving loan fund, credit is made available by supplementing private lender sector loan funds or by providing direct funding.

Considered a “lender of last resort”, the program is not intended to compete with private sector lenders. Prospective applicants must inquire with and be denied credit from private sector lenders prior to filling an application. In addition, prospective applicants must fulfill applicable eligibility requirements. Applicants that are not able to obtain denials from the private lending sector may inquire with the private lender on the possibility of utilizing the insured/guaranty and/or participation loan facilities.


A Food Manufacturer is:

  • An entity licensed to do business in the State of Hawaii; and

  • Eligible food manufacturers shall have the controlling interest of its shareholders and directors possess a minimum of two years of relevant processing or manufacturing experiences as acceptable to the department of agriculture; and

  • The entity shall process Hawaii-grown agricultural products or use Hawaii-grown agricultural products as an ingredient in the manufacturing process.

Processed and manufactured agricultural food products include items such as chips, dairy products, guava and papaya puree, macadamia nut products, fruit drinks, juices, nectars, jams, jellies, packaged coffee, processed vegetables, freeze-dried and fresh poi, processed meat products, cookies, and candies.


  • Facility Loans' purpose are to purchase or improve land, buildings, and equipment.

  • Operating Loans' purpose are tp finance inventories of supplies and materials, warehousing, marketing expenses and shipping commodities.

  • Facility Loans require a down payment or equity contribution of 15% and can not exceed 85% of the value of the security offered.

  • Interest rates are fixed at 1% below the prime rate or at 7-1/2% per annum whichever is less. The prime rate is determined twice a year, on January 1st and July 1st of each year.

Application Instructions

Loan applications may be obtained from any Agricultural Loan Division Office. Loan Officers are available to provide assistance and guidance on the loan process. In order to be eligible for a direct loan, applicants must be denied credit from two lenders, which include banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, mortgage loan companies, the Farm Credit System and/or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

A private lender may pursue a participation loan or insured/guaranty loan on behalf of the applicant. Under these circumstances, the private lender will work in conjunction with the Division on the loan application.

As part of the application process, aspects such as repayment ability, collateral, capital, economic and/or environmental conditions, and historic performance will be taken into consideration. Acceptable applications are presented to the Board of Agriculture for final approval, with the exception of Micro-loans, which may be approved by the Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture.

Prior to obtaining and completing the loan application, it is recommend that you meet with or call one of our loan officers. They are available to assist you in determining your eligibility for the loan program and to guide you through the application process.


Financial Instrument


Maximum Award Amount


Updated September 2, 2024

Image Credit: Justin Ennis

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