Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Demonstration, Expansion, and Quantification of the Benefits of a Climate-Smart Commodity: Verified Regenerative Bison Products

Demonstration, Expansion, and Quantification of the Benefits of a Climate-Smart Commodity: Verified Regenerative Bison Products

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes,
U.S. Department of Agriculture

The project will develop a demonstration program on tribal lands, implementing and expanding multiple climate-smart markets and practices in production of American bison, and will showcase the benefits of regenerative bison production to rangeland, ranchers, and climate. It will also create a new entity to maintain standards of regenerative bison production, track climate benefits and payment for those benefits through the supply chain, and establish consumer trust.

This project plans to support planting riparian areas, transitioning from crop land to native grass for bison grazing and native grass inter-seeding of existing pasture. A bison markets specialist plans to focus on a full “hoof to horn” utilization to sell multiple products including specialty cuts, ground bison, hides and bone meal.

A bison-specific verification program is planned to provide the basis for market differentiation and added value.



Financial Instrument


Total Program Funding


Updated November 25, 2024

Image Credit: Pixabay

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