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Cover photo for Colorado Next Gen Ag Leadership Grant Program

Colorado Next Gen Ag Leadership Grant Program

Colorado Department of Agriculture

Closed May 1, 2023

The NextGen Ag Leadership Grant Program is a new opportunity created by the Colorado Department of Agriculture in the fall of 2022. This program provides grants to agricultural organizations and educational institutions that support developmental and training opportunities for the next generation of agriculturalists.  

Programs qualifying for NextGen grants must help lead young people into careers in food and agriculture and prepare them to become the leaders of tomorrow. 

To ensure the security of our food systems, stewardship of natural resources, and equitable food access across communities, CDA is advancing our support of educational and leadership development opportunities for the next generation of agricultural producers, aspiring producers, and young people across the food and ag value chains. 

Colorado’s food and agriculture industry is broad and diverse. This program is geared toward not just future generations of farmers and ranchers, but also people trained in the biosciences, nutrition, meat science, veterinary science, agronomy, soil health and conservation, engineering, food safety, technology, product development, marketing, and logistics.


Proposals for grants can be submitted by any agricultural organizations and educational institutions serving the next generation leaders in agriculture. The grant application must address one or more of the following strategic NextGen program priorities:

  1. Develop individual leadership and/or entrepreneurial skills. Examples might include established leadership and training programs. 

  2. Enhance organizational leadership and capacity building. Examples might include agricultural organizations seeking to develop leaders internally. 

  3. Create educational and/or training opportunities. Examples might include foundations providing NextGen educational and/or training, conferences wanting to offer scholarships, community colleges and other educational entities offering financial assistance for youth pursuing education in a food or agricultural program. 

Creative and innovative ideas that fit within the strategic priorities are encouraged. Grants will not be awarded to individuals. 


All projects must be fully completed by the end of the state fiscal year in which funds are awarded. The state fiscal year runs from July 1st - June 30th of the following year. For example, projects funded in July of 2023 must be fully completed by June 30, 2024.

Application Instructions

Apply for the grant online using this form.


Release Date

April 3, 2023


May 1, 2023

Financial Instrument


Updated September 11, 2024

Image Credit: Nathaniel Shuman

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