Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for California Seeds for Bees Program

California Seeds for Bees Program

Project Apis m.

Opens April 1, 2025

Seeds for Bees encourages the use of cover crops to increase the density, diversity, and duration of bee forage in California orchards, farms, and vineyards, while improving soil health.  The seed mixes available through Seeds for Bees are designed to bloom at critical times of the year when natural forage is scarce but managed and native bees are active.  Seeds for Bees serves the needs of bees, beekeepers, and growers, increasing sustainability of pollination and agriculture.



To enroll in the SFB program enrollees must:

  • Be a farmer or grower of crops in California.

  • Grow honey bee pollinated crops (including seed production), nuts, or fruits.

  • Growers of wind pollinated crops may be considered for enrollment based on additional information provided in grower’s application.

  • Plant a minimum of 2 acres of cover crops.

  • Agree to submit 2 photos per year and complete a short annual survey.


  • 1st year Seeds for Bees enrollees are eligible for a $2,500 discount off their total seed purchase.

  • 2nd year enrollees are eligible for a $1,500 discount off their total seed purchase.

  • Shipping is free for all orders throughout the enrollee’s participation in Seeds for Bees. Growers located within 50 miles of seed distributor are requested to pick up their seed if possible, so more donations can go directly to growers for free seed.

  • A limited number of new enrollees will be accepted each year based on available funding.

  • Project Apis m. has sole discretion for final enrollment decisions.

  • Project Apis m. has the right to refuse any applicant at any time. 

Application Instructions

Complete an application online to apply.

A short phone consultation with the Seeds for Bees program manager is required as the last step to finalize a participant’s enrollment if accepted. 


Release Date

April 1, 2025


Project Apis m.

Financial Instrument


Updated March 14, 2025

Image Credit: Jenna Lee

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