Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Water Well Trust Water Access Program

Water Well Trust Water Access Program

Water Well Trust

The Water Well Trust (WWT) and its partners provide funding for wells and/or septic systems for low‐income families nationwide that need safe drinking water or wastewater systems.


To be eligible for a loan, you must meet all following eligibility criteria:

  • Deed or mortgage for home and property in applicant’s name.

  • Applicant must be the occupant(s) of the property.

  • Home must be applicant’s primary residence.

  • No new construction, must have occupied the property for at least one year.

  • No reliable source of water to the home and no option to connect to a public water utility or sewer.

  • Gross annual household income based on your state’s median non-metropolitan household income. 

Application Instructions

To apply, complete this online form and WWT will contact you.

Or contact WWT by calling (202) 625-4383 or by email at info@waterwelltrust.org.




Water Well Trust

Financial Instrument


Updated September 10, 2024

Image Credit: Kristina Kutlesa

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