Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Western SARE Research and Education Grant
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Closed May 1, 2024
This grant program involves scientists, agricultural producers, and others using interdisciplinary approaches to advance sustainable agriculture at local and regional levels. With the collaboration of producers, projects must integrate rigorous research and education aiming to advance the three components of sustainable agriculture—environmental, economic, and social—and use innovative educational outreach to disseminate new knowledge to students, producers, and other agricultural stakeholders. It is expected that outcomes of funded projects will result in quantifiable benefits for producers, increase the preservation of the natural and social resources upon which agriculture relies, and be documented in scholarly journals and disseminated throughout teaching and educational outreach activities with students, producers, and other agricultural stakeholders.
Applicants need to reside in the Western region of the United States and should have the capability to conduct both research and outreach activities. Proposed projects can be located at any institution, including nongovernmental organizations, that has demonstrated fiscal responsibility and expertise in sustainable agriculture, and is able and qualified to receive funds from the U.S. Government.
Additionally, applicant’s institutions should have the capability to comply with requirements of Institutional Review Board (IRB) for research that involves human subjects and to comply with the requirements of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for research that involves animals. Multi-state and multi-agency collaborations within the Western region are encouraged. Cross-region applications will be considered when the Principal Investigator is within the Western region. Participants and/or cooperators can be from outside the Western region.
Submission of Research and Education proposals is limited to applicants who submitted a successful pre-Proposal. Research and Education pre-proposals will be reviewed according to the criteria included in the Call for Pre-proposals. Applicants of successful submissions will be notified prior to the full-proposal competition and be invited to submit a full proposal for this program.
Projects may be 1 to 3 years in length. Total funds requested cannot exceed $350,000 over the entire budget period.
Application Instructions
Proposals are submitted online at: projects.sare.org
You must make an account to apply.
The submission includes seven sections:
acknowledgement of reading the Call for Full Proposal,
project’s basic information,
information about the project team,
project summary,
project narrative,
budget and budget justification, and
supporting documents.
Following Directions: An important and practical element of the submitting process is following directions. Western SARE disqualifies proposals before review because applicants do not follow the instructions of the Call for Proposals and/or submit incomplete Supporting Documents.
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Image Credit: USDA NRCS Montana
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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