Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Western SARE Professional Development Grant
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Closed November 6, 2024
Professional Development Program (PDP) Grants are aimed at helping Cooperative Extension Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service and other agricultural professionals in the Western Region increase their understanding and proficiency in sustainable agriculture.
Professional Development Program Grants are designed to educate agricultural professionals about sustainable agriculture so they, in turn, can educate and train farmers and ranchers. Funded PDP grants must achieve this longterm outcome:
Cooperative Extension, Natural Resource Conservation Service and other agricultural professionals are knowledgeable in sustainable agriculture principles and systems. They have ready access to resources that can help producers make informed decisions about adopting sustainable approaches with greater certainty and less risk.
Projects must improve the ability of agricultural professionals to conduct educational programs and activities in sustainable agriculture principles and systems and to respond to inquiries on the subject from farmers, ranchers and the public.
Approaches can include, among others:
Development of materials or curricula
Web-based courses
Multi-faceted proposals are encouraged. Projects using multiple techniques or methods are recommended, as are efforts whose results can be applied to wide and diverse audiences. Subject matter can include any sustainable agriculture endeavor, including animal agriculture, agronomic or horticultural crop production, or the effects of sustainable practices on quality of life for producers or rural communities.
Projects with a scope beyond a single state or area are encouraged. Projects may be 1-to-3 years in length. Funding is capped at $100,000 total costs per project.
Application Instructions
Proposals are submitted online at: projects.sare.org
You must make an account to apply.
Project basic information, project cooperators’ information, summary, narrative, and budget and budget justification must be entered on-line; while other supporting documents must be attached as PDF documents in the online system.
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Release Date
May 1, 2024
November 6, 2024
Financial Instrument
Maximum Award Amount
Updated August 8, 2024
Image Credit: USDA NRCS Montana
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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