Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Vermont Farm and Forest Water Quality Grant

Vermont Farm and Forest Water Quality Grant

Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Closed January 20, 2025

The Viability Program provides grants of up to $40,000 to help Vermont farmers invest in water quality-related on-farm infrastructure. This year, the program is funded by Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, but VHCB reserves the right to use other funding sources if necessary. All grantees will be required to comply with VHCB and Federal ARPA requirements.


Eligible Applicants

Any Vermont farm with a gross farm income of $15,000 or more that is required to comply with Vermont’s Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs)

Eligible Projects

Projects to make on-farm capital improvements that also have direct, positive impacts on water quality are eligible for funding. The following types of projects have been funded in the past: 

  • Construction, renovation, or upgrades to farm infrastructure.

  • Purchase of equipment that will be used frequently; is essential to the business; cannot be rented; and leads to innovative farm practices. Note that applications for equipment must include a price quote.


A minimum of one-to-one match funding is required. Match can be in the form of state or federal grants. Match can also be in the form of cash, loans, or in-kind labor from the applicant but is not required to be.

Awards will be paid on a reimbursement basis upon the receipt of project invoices. 

Application Instructions

To apply, complete this form to receive login credentials and further application instructions.



January 20, 2025

Financial Instrument


Minimum Award Amount


Maximum Award Amount


Updated March 14, 2025

Image Credit: Jonathan Kemper

This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.

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