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Cover photo for Transition Incentives Program

Transition Incentives Program (TIP)

Farm Service Agency

The Transition Incentives Program (TIP) offers assistance for land owners and operators, as well as opportunities for beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. It provides land owners or operators with two additional annual rental payments on land enrolled in expiring Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts, on the condition they sell or rent this land to a beginning farmer or rancher or to a socially disadvantaged group. Up to two additional annual CRP payments can be obtained through TIP. New land owners or renters must return the land to production using sustainable grazing or farming methods.

TIP provides land owners and operators with an incentive to return land to production on an expiring CRP Contract in a way that preserves established conservation practices. It also provides an opportunity for beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers to purchase their own land or rent land.

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To be eligible for TIP, an owner or operator must be a farmer or rancher on land enrolled in an expiring CRP contract. The owner or operator must agree to sell, or have a contract to sell, or agree to lease long-term (at least five years) the land enrolled in an expiring CRP contract to a beginning, veteran or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher who is not a family member.

The owner or operator must agree to permit the beginning, veteran, or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher to make conservation and land improvements according to an approved conservation plan during the last two years of the CRP contract.

Beginning, veteran, or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers participating in TIP may re-enroll otherwise eligible land under CRP’s continuous signup provisions including the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program.

Beginning, veteran, or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers must materially and substantially participate in the operation of the farm or ranch involved in CRP contract modification.

Application Instructions

To apply for this program, reach out to your local FSA office.


Updated August 2, 2024

Image Credit: US Department of State

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