Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for The Building Climate Success by Empowering Humans to Care for our Natural Resources

The Building Climate Success by Empowering Humans to Care for our Natural Resources

Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts Incorporated,
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Through this project, tribal and other underserved producers would receive financial assistance for adopting climate-smart practices for livestock and pecan production in Oklahoma. Project partners plan to create tools and partnerships for enrollees to market climate-smart products, including the creation of a climate-smart marketing class session and other resources.



Establish Farm Records with the USDA Farm Service Agency

  • Complete an AD-2047 (Customer Data Worksheet to facilitate the collection of customer data for Business Partner Record)

  • Certify highly erodible land conservation and wetland conservation via Form AD-1026

  • Certify that they are not a foreign person

  • Certify that they are not receiving funds for the same practices on the same acreage from other government programs such as EQIP

  • Agree to share farm data to calculate emissions, and to calculate carbon sequestration associated with implemented climate-smart management practices

  • Equity: Applicants that qualify as Historically Underserved and/or Socially Disadvantaged will be given priority. Underserved producers include socially disadvantaged farmers (minorities), veteran farmers, and limited resource farmers.


  • Maximum acres an individual can enroll is 80 acres

  • 75% of funds are prioritized for SDA producer payments

  • Building markets and reduced GHG emission market facilitation 

  • Creation of eastern OK beef cooperative and a value added pecan production network. Harness the power of cooperative marketing and the development a system of support to empower producers to make marketing decisions with confidence

  • Silvopasture- work closely with Oklahoma Department of Forestry and OCC to incorporate prescribed livestock grazing in pecan orchard to improve soil health and increase carbon sequestration 

  • Soil health- build organic matter and resilience against extreme climate events 

Application Instructions

Fill out the inquiry form here.

Updated November 17, 2024

Image Credit: Pixabay

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