Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Prince George’s County Climate-Smart Local Producers Pilot Program

Prince George’s County Climate-Smart Local Producers Pilot Program

Prince Georges, County Government,
U.S. Department of Agriculture

This project plans to pilot, evaluate, and build a Climate-Smart Local Producers Program to address marketing products grown using a variety of climate-smart practices. The project would focus on reducing barriers to practice implementation on existing and new farms.

A planned marketing strategy that resonates with County residents, would combine the values of eating local, utilization of on -farm climate smart practices and woman and minority owned farms. The County plans to work with Bowie State University (a Historically Black College and University) to develop monitoring methodology and perform the analysis of greenhouse gas reductions and leverage the measurement and monitoring methodologies developed by the state of Maryland for several sequestration practices and supply chain impacts.


Financial Instrument


Total Program Funding


Updated October 31, 2024

Image Credit: Pixabay

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