Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.
Our sources indicate that this program is closed indefinitely and unlikely to reopen.
NYFVI is seeking proposals that have clear relevance to New York’s agriculture community, demonstrated producer support, and the ability to deliver farm-level economic impact over time.
NYFVI asks applicants to carefully review NYFVI's mission statement and portfolio priorities and show how your proposed work will create and share knowledge that will ultimately result in measurable farm-level impact. NYFVI wants you to help farmers know what works to solve their most pressing challenges or leverage their biggest opportunities.
Measurement matters. The board is particularly interested in proposals with strong evaluation plans that clearly articulate how they will measure the economic benefits of your work. If there are no economic benefits during the life of the grant, state that clearly and indicate how you will evaluate the potential for future economic benefits.
Similar to past years NYFVI are interested in projects focused on evaluating the benefits of new technologies.
NYFVI is particularly interested in proposals that accelerate practice adoption.
Ideas include, but are not limited to:
Demonstrating the value of new technology and tools. How will your work help farmers understand which new tools or practices are most valuable, and in which situations?
Increasing the use of data based decision making on farms.
Projects that help farmers see the economic value of practices to their business.
The board is notably interested in proposals that align with NYFVI’s mission and priorities in the topic areas of:
Antimicrobial use
Carbon sequestration
Climate change impacts
Food system resiliency
Integrated Pest Management
Soil health
Water quality
Eligible grant applicants include farmer groups, researchers, educators, organizations, agencies and businesses. Applicants may represent nonprofit or for-profit sectors. NYFVI encourages individuals with ideas to partner with existing organizations to ensure project viability and execution. If you are an individual and need guidance in this regard, please contact NYFVI staff.
Former and current NYFVI grantees are eligible for funding. Those seeking funds for project continuation will face scrutiny in regard to financial viability and project performance.
Projects must work with New York State resident farmers and outcomes must benefit agriculture in New York State.
Dollar value: Proposals between $15,000 and $125,000 will be accepted.
Duration: Funded projects will begin between March 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024. Projects must last at least two quarters (six months) and may last no more than eight quarters (two years). All projects must be completed by December 31, 2025.
Location: Projects must work with New York State resident farmers and outcomes must benefit agriculture in New York State.
Payment schedule: All funds are paid on a reimbursement basis each quarter. Payments are made only after a quarterly report and reimbursement claim, with required backup documentation, are submitted and approved.
Impact Measurement: All projects must measure and report on the outcomes and impacts of their work.
Reporting Requirements: The NYFVI online database is used to manage the initial application as well as all reporting and expenditure claims. Project leaders are required to submit quarterly progress reports that must be approved before reimbursements are made. A final report is due within 60 days of project completion. 10% of the total project budget will be withheld until the final report is completed and approved.
Funding Source Acknowledgement: All projects must acknowledge NYFVI as the funder, or partial funder, for their work in all online information, printed material, and presentations.
Application Instructions
All applications must be submitted online through NYFVI's web-based system, and applicants must register for credentials. Applicant's should carefully read the Call For Proposals before applying.
Applicants must file all internal paperwork, receive any permission, grant office numbers, or other requirements of your employer, prior to submitting an application; failure to do so may make applications ineligible for funding consideration.
On October 10, 2022, staff will provide written feedback to applicants. Applicants will have the opportunity to revise their proposal based on that feedback. Revised proposals are due no later than October 24, 2022.
If you have not previously used the NYFVI online applications system, you will need to apply for system credentials. Don’t wait until the last minute, staff is available to activate your log in and password only during normal business hours.
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Release Date
July 25, 2022
September 25, 2022
Financial Instrument
Updated March 26, 2024
Image Credit: Abigail Miller
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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