Finances for those who love a good process

Real-time profitability tracking and efficient invoice management for modern processing operations.

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Ambrook for Processors

Financial tools built for your processing operation

Track the profitability of your enterprises

Understand where you are making and losing money. Allocate income and expenses to individual enterprises to produce enterprise-level P&Ls that help you make operational decisions.

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Issue invoices and get paid faster

Manage invoices end-to-end in Ambrook. Issue invoices fast with preset line items and a customer database. Then track their status and accept payment through Ambrook to get paid on time.

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Stay on top of your books

Eliminate back office busywork with automated categorizations, AI-powered bookkeeping suggestions, and more. Up-to-date books are the key ingredient in strategic decision-making.

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Manage the back office from anywhere

Handle your back office from the kitchen, field, cellar, market, processing facility... wherever you do business. Use the mobile app to capture receipts, issue invoices, pay bills, and more all with a few taps.

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Pay your bills with confidence

Manage all your bills in one place to never lose track of a payment. Let Ambrook transcribe your bills for you with bill scanning and email forwarding. Then schedule and send payments.

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Know the value of your operation

Keep your balance sheet up-to-date with Ambrook. Record equipment and inventory value to ensure the investments you make in your processing facility and business are reflected in your net worth.

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Turn data into
strategic decisions

Map it to your operation

Ambrook's flexible tagging system maps to your processing business. Allocate income and expenses to individual enterprises, like dairy production and cheesemaking. Track profitability across your enterprises while preparing your data for tax season.

Increase your operational efficiency

Track the flow of ingredients between enterprises, like milk sold to your cheesemaking operation, to understand true unit economics. Compare profitability across your value chain to optimize pricing, resourcing allocation, and production decisions.

Customer Story

Fantello Creamery

Paul now tags all of his expenses for raising his Jersey cows under his Farm enterprise, and tags expenses for the cheese he produces to his Creamery enterprise. This has allowed him for the first time to see the cost of producing the milk separately from cheese production.

Paul Fantello


Started in Ag

Ambrook is a modern accounting platform driving independence for America’s family businesses. We started in agriculture and now serve operators across the industrial supply chain, including: processors, truckers, contractors, builders, nonprofit leaders, and entrepreneurs.


Connected Accounts

Real-time transaction syncing from banks, cards, sales platforms, and more to reduce manual entry.

Receipt Capture

Snap a picture of your receipts and we’ll scan, itemize, and attach them to transactions for you to reference later.


Automatically tag transactions with similar descriptions instead of handling each individually.

One-click Report

Track the health of your operation with live reports (Balance Sheet, Enterprise‑level P&Ls, and more).


Invite your accountant to view and collaborate on your books — before, during, and after tax season.

Customer Service

Get real-time help from your designated customer service rep who is well-versed in finance for trucking.

Get a personalized demo

Standard messaging rates apply.

Ambrook is Ag Data Transparent certified, ensuring your information is safe and secure.

Ambrook Logo

Ambrook partners with Stripe Payments Company for money
transmission services and account services with funds held at Fifth Third Bank
and Evolve Bank & Trust, Members FDIC. Ambrook Visa® Cards are issued by Celtic
Bank, a Utah-chartered Industrial Bank (Member FDIC).

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Ambrook for Processors

Financial tools built for your processing operation

Track the profitability of your enterprises

Understand where you are making and losing money. Allocate income and expenses to individual enterprises to produce enterprise-level P&Ls that help you make operational decisions.

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Issue invoices and get paid faster

Manage invoices end-to-end in Ambrook. Issue invoices fast with preset line items and a customer database. Then track their status and accept payment through Ambrook to get paid on time.

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Stay on top of your books

Eliminate back office busywork with automated categorizations, AI-powered bookkeeping suggestions, and more. Up-to-date books are the key ingredient in strategic decision-making.

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Manage the back office from anywhere

Handle your back office from the kitchen, field, cellar, market, processing facility... wherever you do business. Use the mobile app to capture receipts, issue invoices, pay bills, and more all with a few taps.

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Pay your bills with confidence

Manage all your bills in one place to never lose track of a payment. Let Ambrook transcribe your bills for you with bill scanning and email forwarding. Then schedule and send payments.

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Know the value of your operation

Keep your balance sheet up-to-date with Ambrook. Record equipment and inventory value to ensure the investments you make in your processing facility and business are reflected in your net worth.

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Turn data into
strategic decisions

Map it to your operation

Ambrook's flexible tagging system maps to your processing business. Allocate income and expenses to individual enterprises, like dairy production and cheesemaking. Track profitability across your enterprises while preparing your data for tax season.

Increase your operational efficiency

Track the flow of ingredients between enterprises, like milk sold to your cheesemaking operation, to understand true unit economics. Compare profitability across your value chain to optimize pricing, resourcing allocation, and production decisions.

Customer Story

Fantello Creamery

Paul now tags all of his expenses for raising his Jersey cows under his Farm enterprise, and tags expenses for the cheese he produces to his Creamery enterprise. This has allowed him for the first time to see the cost of producing the milk separately from cheese production.

Paul Fantello


Started in Ag

Ambrook is a modern accounting platform driving independence for America’s family businesses. We started in agriculture and now serve operators across the industrial supply chain, including: processors, truckers, contractors, builders, nonprofit leaders, and entrepreneurs.


Connected Accounts

Real-time transaction syncing from banks, cards, sales platforms, and more to reduce manual entry.

Receipt Capture

Snap a picture of your receipts and we’ll scan, itemize, and attach them to transactions for you to reference later.


Automatically tag transactions with similar descriptions instead of handling each individually.

One-click Report

Track the health of your operation with live reports (Balance Sheet, Enterprise‑level P&Ls, and more).


Invite your accountant to view and collaborate on your books — before, during, and after tax season.

Customer Service

Get real-time help from your designated customer service rep who is well-versed in finance for trucking.

Get a personalized demo

Standard messaging rates apply.

Ambrook is Ag Data Transparent certified, ensuring your information is safe and secure.

Ambrook Logo

Ambrook partners with Stripe Payments Company for money
transmission services and account services with funds held at Fifth Third Bank
and Evolve Bank & Trust, Members FDIC. Ambrook Visa® Cards are issued by Celtic
Bank, a Utah-chartered Industrial Bank (Member FDIC).

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