Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

North Dakota Soil Health Cover Crop Grant Program
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
Closed October 1, 2023
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture's Soil Health Cover Crop Grant Program provides grantees with a direct payment per acre of cover crop planted. As a conservation program, the program’s primary goal is to protect and enhance soil health statewide. In particular, the program is targeting cropland areas impacted with alkaline soils. NDDA provides cost share to producers on a first-come-first-serve basis. Successful applicants may receive a $25/acre. There will be a 160 acre cap per producer.
Program Participation Requirements
Conduct field soil test prior to planting cover crop (results must be submitted with application).
Select cover crop to be grown.
Plant cover crop (prior to September 15th deadline).
Apply online at NDDA’s Soil Health Cover Crop Grant Program webpage (December 1 deadline).
Complete application
Copy of soil test
Copy of seed bill/receipt
Applications will be selected by lottery; successful applicants will be notified via email.
Successful applicants must register as a vendor with the state of North Dakota and notify program contact by email when completed.
Once all previous steps completed, payment for cost share will be processed after the application deadline each year. Payments may take up to 60 days for processing.
Eligible Cover Crop/Planting/Mixes
Soil Conservation/NRCS county specific suggested plantings are eligible for this program
Other eligible cover crop plantings include:
Cow peas
Field peas
Dry peas
Hairy vetch
Grazing corn
Red clover
If cover crop will be planted before May 20, eligible grasses include:
Perennial Grasses and Legumes to address saline areas
Western Wheatgrass
Intermediate Wheatgrass
AC Saltlander
Application for the program does not guarantee cost share reimbursement.
Cost share payment of $25 an acre.
160-acre cap per applicant per year.
Applicants should use Midwest Cover Crops Council Cover Crops Decision Tool to assist in the determination of their cover crop.
Applicants in need of further technical assistance for cover crop planting or planning should consult with NRCS, their county Soil Conservation District or the Watershed Program Coordinator in their county.
Minimum Qualifications
Cover crop must be planted by August 31.
Complete online application by October 1.
Minimum seeding rates must be followed (please see eligible seed mixes in guidelines and minimum seeding rates in the Midwest Cover Crops Council Cover Crops Decision Tool). Soil Conservation/NRCS county specific suggested plantings are also eligible for this program.
No fall tillage allowed if planting is done after harvest of cash crop.
Grazing and haying is allowed on cover crops after July 5th.
Must register as a vendor with the state of North Dakota to receive payment.
Must test soil before crop is planted.
Must provide previous crop planted/cropping rotation before cover crop.
Must identify cover crop/mix planted.
Must provide copy of seed bill in application.
Application Instructions
To apply, first gather the required documentation. You will need to scan and upload each of the below during the application:
Seed receipts and soil test results.
Then, apply online from this link to the NDDA's application portal.
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October 1, 2023
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Updated September 2, 2024
Image Credit: pgaberski
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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