Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.
Our sources indicate that this program is closed indefinitely and unlikely to reopen.
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to widespread impacts on Denver’s food security. Emergency food providers and pantries have seen a dramatic increase in the demand for their services. Food insecurity has surged above the pre-crisis rate of 11% to an estimated 33% of Denver's population since the beginning of the pandemic. Communities of color have been some of the hardest hit as a result of COVID-19. These communities suffer greater health impacts from both the virus and inadequate access to healthy foods. To help address these needs, Denver granted out funding through the Denver Emergency Food Relief Fund program through the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in 2020 and 2021. These grants expanded critical emergency food, grocery, and meal programs for residents affected by COVID-19.
Denver is opening up a fourth round of funding in August 2022 with funds from the federal Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Health Disparities Grant through the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment. The goal of this new grant opportunity is to address capacity building needs of food pantries and emergency food providers to be better prepared to respond to future crises. The Denver Food Security Grant supports the coordination of access to food resources and other more resilient food support services for food insecure individuals and families. Specifically, this includes increased client enrollment in SNAP, and other federal nutrition programs, operational improvements, and leadership development. The grants are intended to expand critical infrastructure needs for emergency food providers while also building capacity to respond to future emergency situations.
How can the Denver Food Security Grant funds be used?
NOTE: Funds cannot be used for food. They can be used for the following:
Services to sign up clients for SNAP or other federal nutrition programs, including equipment such as iPads or phones
Food pantry infrastructure improvements – refrigerators, freezers, shelving, hand carts, outdoor heaters, tables, retrofitting due to changes in sanitary standards as a result of COVID-19, electrical and plumbing upgrades, distribution and transportation
Staff capacity – building capacity and leadership skills of organization’s staff and volunteers, including technical assistance
Language interpretation and translation of materials
Communications and educational materials or content
For equipment, supplies or infrastructure costing greater than $5,000, organizations receiving funds will need to submit additional paperwork and obtain additional approvals.
The Denver Food Security Grant will provide grant assistance to eligible Denver nonprofits. The Denver Food Security Grants must be spent on building the capacity of emergency food providers and food pantries to better respond to future crises such as COVID-19. Nonprofit agencies that are incorporated as a 501(c)3 and registered with the State of Colorado are eligible to apply. This includes those agencies with a fiscal sponsor incorporated as a 501(c)3 and registered in the State of Colorado. Nonprofits must be located within the City and County of Denver, or within 1 mile of its border, and serve Denver residents.
Nonprofit agencies that are incorporated as a 501(c)3 and registered with the State of Colorado are eligible to apply. This includes those agencies with a fiscal sponsor incorporated as a 501(c)3 and registered in the State of Colorado. Nonprofits must be located in the City and County of Denver or within 1 mile of the city/county border and serve Denver residents with awarded funds.
Application Instructions
How much funding is available?
There is approximately $175,000 to be awarded to Denver-based nonprofits, food pantries, and emergency food providers. The grant awards will be between $5,000-$10,000 for individual organizations and $10,000-$30,000 for two or more organizations in collaboration.
Application dates:
Application will be released on Aug. 26, 2022
Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. (MT) on Sept. 12, 2022
Grantees will be notified on Sept. 29, 2022
A non-profit assistance provider will provide funds directly to awarded grantees
All funds must be fully expended and spent by Jan. 31, 2023
Grantees must provide required documentation (receipts, final budget, and required reporting form) by Feb. 28, 2023
First priority neighborhoods are determined by having high COVID-19 hospitalization rates, high death rates, high COVID-19 test positivity rates, and low vaccination rates.
Barnum West
Chaffee Park
College View
Elyria Swansea
Fort Logan
Harvey Park
Harvey Park South
Lincoln Park
Mar Lee
NE Park Hill
South Platte
Sun Valley
Villa Park
Virginia Vale
Second priority neighborhoods include those with high hospitalization rates, high death rates, high positivity rates, and intermediate vaccination rates (based on analysis by Public Health Institute at Denver Health).
Athmar Park
Five Points
Gateway/Green Valley Ranch
Ruby Hill
Val Verde
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Release Date
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September 12, 2022
Financial Instrument
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Total Program Funding
Updated March 27, 2024
Image Credit: City and County of Denver
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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