Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Delaware Nutrient Management Relocation Program

Delaware Nutrient Management Relocation Program

Delaware Department of Agriculture

The Nutrient Management Relocation Program is a cost assistance program designed to assist in transporting nutrients (manure) from areas of excess, to areas in need of nutrients. Many farms are dealing with excess manure, namely poultry litter, and need to export the manure in order to balance crop nutrient demands. The Delaware Nutrient Management Program provides financial assistance for the cost of Delaware manure to alternative use projects or farms in need of nutrients.


Any farmer, person or business can apply for assistance as long as they take responsibility for meeting transport standards and follow the Relocation Program Guidelines.


Individuals and businesses must complete Form W-9 prior to applying for cost-assistance. Complete this form ONLY if you are applying for cost assistance for the first time or updating your contact information (e.g. address, phone number, direct deposit/ACH, etc.).

Application Instructions

Individuals and businesses must complete Form W-9 prior to applying for cost-assistance. Complete this form ONLY if you are applying for cost assistance for the first time or updating your contact information (e.g. address, phone number, direct deposit/ACH, etc.).

To apply for cost assistance, complete and submit the Relocation Claim for Payment form to the Delaware Nutrient Management Program. Payment of cost assistance is contingent upon funding availability.

Submit by email to nutrient.management@delaware.gov

or by regular mail to:

Delaware Department of Agriculture

Delaware Nutrient Management Program

2320 South DuPont Highway

Dover, Delaware 19901

Once your application has been approved, you will receive a letter of approval and a Claim for Payment form. After completion of the manure transport, you must send in the Claim for Payment form and the weight slips for payment. Payment of cost assistance is contingent upon funding availability.

Updated September 27, 2024

Image Credit: West Point Implement and Design

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