Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Connecticut Farm Viability Grant

Connecticut Farm Viability Grant

Connecticut Department of Agriculture

Closed Indefinitely

Our sources indicate that this program is closed indefinitely and unlikely to reopen.

The Farm Viability Grant (FVG) is a competitive matching grant program open to municipalities, regional planning organizations, associations of municipalities, and agricultural non-profits. The maximum grant award is $49,999. Please be aware this is a reimbursement grant.


The following entities are eligible to apply for the Farm Viability Grant:

  1. Municipalities with a current Plan of Conservation and Development

  2. Regional councils of governments organized under the provisions of sections 4-124i to 4-124p, inclusive

  3. Groups of municipalities that have established a regional inter-local agreement pursuant to sections 7-339a to 7-339l, inclusive

  4. Agricultural non-profit organizations

To qualify for the Farm Viability Grant as a non-profit, the non-profit must be registered with the Connecticut Secretary of State and provide a copy of the federal IRS exemption letter. Nonprofits must have submitted Form 990 and been in existence for the previous three years.

Prior grantees may reapply for a Farm Viability Grant. However, open awards, past awards, and corresponding project completion and outcomes will be taken into consideration.

NEW: Starting in November 2020, applicants which have received two years of consecutive funding will be ineligible for an award for one year. Applicants can reapply for funding after taking a year hiatus. For example:

  • 2019: Project awarded

  • 2020: Project awarded

  • 2021: Ineligible for an award

  • 2022: Eligible for an award

All projects which focus on a farmers’ market, must pertain to a Certified Connecticut Grown Farmers’ Market for the full duration of the project to be eligible.


Matching funds from the applicant must be a minimum of 40% of the total cost of the project budget; this must be clearly outlined in the application. The match can consist of in-kind and/or cash contributions directly associated with the project. All match expenses must be clearly documented and justified.

After the issuance of a purchase order, one cash advance of up to 50% of the total grant award may be requested by the grantee. The balance of the award will be reimbursed upon project completion and submission of required documents. 

Application Instructions

A complete application includes:

The completed application must be submitted online through the Connecticut DoAg portal.


Release Date

December 29, 2023


April 8, 2022

Financial Instrument


Maximum Award Amount


Updated March 27, 2024

Image Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture

This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.

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