Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Colorado Agricultural Future Loans Program

Colorado Agricultural Future Loans Program

Colorado Department of Agriculture

The Colorado Agricultural Future Loan is a financially-inclusive lending program that offers financing to beginning farmers and ranchers, and businesses that transform, package, process, store, or grade Colorado farm or ranch products.

We’re using alternative forms of documentation to qualify loans that conventional lenders won’t consider. By providing agricultural infrastructure and operating loans to those who might not otherwise qualify for traditional lending opportunities, we are seeking to strengthen Colorado agriculture, expand diversity within farming, and increase participation from next-generation farmers.

Loan funds can be used for most business purposes, including, but not limited to: operating expenses, the purchase of land and equipment, business improvements, worker wages, and conservation projects.


  • You must be a resident of Colorado.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age.

  • You must own or operate a farm, ranch, or business that provides supporting infrastructure to benefit farms and ranches in the state of Colorado. Although your business does not yet have to be operational, you do need to have applied for and received a Colorado business license. 

  • You must have the ability and resources needed to operate. You are capable of beginning or expanding the operation of your business as soon as funds are disbursed. 

  • You must have the education, training, or experience necessary to operate the business. 

  • You will need to provide a detailed written description of your business that answers the following questions:

    • What does your business do?

    • What need(s) are you filling?

    • Who are your customers and how will you reach them?

    • How is your business going to make money?

    • What do you need to get started?

    • What are the biggest challenges you face?

    • What do you have in place to help you succeed?

    • How will you measure success?


  • 4% fixed interest rate (Annual Percentage Rate 4.17%)

  • Term notes of 1-20 years

  • 1.5% loan fee

  • Revolving lines of credit up to 5 years

  • Up to $750,000, with more possible for significant capital purchases

Application Instructions

Apply here

Updated March 14, 2025

Image Credit: Addy Badal

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