Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

California San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Burn Alternatives Grant Program
The Ag Burn Alternatives Grant Program provides incentives to chip or shred agricultural material from orchard/vineyard removals as an alternative to the open burning of the agricultural materials. In addition, the Program provides incentives for the purchase of new agricultural wood-chipping equipment to chip orchard and vineyard removals located within the San Joaquin Valley.
The orchard/vineyard removal option provides incentives to commercial agricultural operations located within Valley Air District boundaries to chip or shred agricultural material from orchard/vineyard removals. The material must be used for soil incorporation or land application on grower property or off-site on other agricultural land. Chipped material may also be for other off-site beneficial re-use as an alternative to the open burning of the agricultural materials.
Eligible crop types include orchard and vineyard removals
Only commercial agricultural operations are eligible to apply
The agricultural material must be for soil incorporation or land application on grower property or District approved off-site beneficial re-use
Grower must certify the continued agricultural use of property from which the orchards was removed
Grower must be located within the San Joa
Incentive is provided in a range of $300 - $1,300 per acre depending on the type of orchard and planned use of the resulting material.
Additional incentive of $400/acre is provided for each incentive category to agricultural operations with less than 100 total acres within the San Joaquin Valley
Application Instructions
Interested Applicants must submit a complete application packet to the District via the mail, email, fax, or web portal options below:
Mail: 1990 East Gettysburg Avenue Fresno, CA 93726-0244
Fax: (559) 230-6112
Email: grants@valleyair.org
Web Portal: http://valleyair.org/grants/alt-ag-burning.htm
A complete application includes:
Completed and signed Application (below)
IRS Form W-9
Confirmation of crop/acreage and location of orchard/vineyard removal site
- i.e. site map, google map, assessor’s map
Dated and itemized quote from service provider(s) for the planned activities
- The quote must provide an itemized breakdown, including specific information and associated costs with pruning/wire/support removal (vineyards), pushing/piling, chipping/shredding, spreading, soil incorporation (ripping/discing), hauling (beneficial re-use), move-in fees, and any additional costs.
Documentation of estimated costs by participating grower, if additional costs are beyond those on the quote(s) for contracted services.
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Financial Instrument
Updated September 10, 2024
Image Credit: Maddy Baker
This information was gathered from public sources. Ambrook is not responsible for or able to affect the results of any financial programs listed, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed or is on the hyperlinked external sites. All information is subject to change.
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