Federal funding programs are under review as of 1/27/25. We'll make updates as new info is released.

Cover photo for Business Builder Award Program

Business Builder Award Program (RFBC)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Closed June 20, 2023

The USDA Regional Food Business Centers support farms and food businesses to create new market opportunities, enhance competitiveness, and strengthen their regional supply chains. In partnership with USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, the Regional Food Business Centers are operated by lead organizations and partner networks embedded across each region. They offer technical assistance, capacity building awards, and coordinate services to catalyze the growth of regional food economies. Visit the Awarded Centers webpage for further information.


Business Builder awards support the growth and viability of small and mid-sized producers and food businesses along local and regional food supply chains, including agricultural producers, growers, processors, aggregators, and distributors, producers that supply local food systems, farmers markets, restaurants, and schools. Each Center provides their specific definition of small and mid-sized food and farm businesses and may identify additional priorities that align unique market-based opportunities within their region.

The program is inclusive of all types of products produced locally or regionally, and all types of market channels. This includes, but is not limited to, specialty crops, livestock, poultry, dairy, grains, fish, non-food revenue streams from by-products or co-products such as leathers, ornamentals, agritourism, etc. Please visit your regional Center’s website for specific information about the regional Business Builder program. You can find links to each Center’s website and contact information, on the RFBC Awarded Center page of the Regional Food Business Center website.

Application Instructions

Application closed January 2023.



June 20, 2023

Financial Instrument


Maximum Award Amount


Updated March 14, 2025

Image Credit: Dan Meyers

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