Cover photo for Nebraska Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program

Nebraska Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program

Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

Closed June 24, 2024

Private well reverse osmosis system rebates are available to property owners of private wells with drinking water test levels above 10 parts per million (ppm) of nitrate. Applicants will be eligible for up to $4,000 in rebates per small treatment installation that is effective in the removal of nitrate to a level below 10 ppm. Testing costs, purchase price of the system, and installation costs are eligible expenses that can be included in a rebate application.


  • Villages and Cities of the Second Class (population 5,000 or below) with a community water system where drinking water test levels are above ten parts per million (10 ppm) of nitrate.

  • Property owners of private wells with drinking water test levels above 10 ppm of nitrate.

Application Instructions

Complete the attached form below and email:

Or print and mail to:

Nebraska Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program

Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

P.O. Box 98922

Lincoln NE 68509-8922 



June 24, 2024

Financial Instrument


Maximum Award Amount


Updated July 31, 2023

Image Credit: Joel Dunn

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